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Youth Podcasts

Welcome to the Youth Podcast Episodes!

A podcast series produced by the youths of WICUDA Canada. WICUDA-CANADA (9511806 Canada Association) was formed in 2011. The Association brings together Canadian residents, with origins from Mbumland in the North West Region of Cameroon, as well as their spouses, friends, and sympathisers. Through its cultural and educational outreach program, WICUDA-CANADA teaches its children and youth about the enriching Mbum culture, music, language and history. This enforces in our youth their pride of having African roots and gives them a strong identity. WICUDA-CANADA strongly believes that such an approach is key in empowering the younger generation to excel in the multicultural Canadian society.

Podcast Episodes

Thank you for visiting our podcast page, we are delighted that you are interested in our podcast. Here, we discuss different topics with our guests, including culture, technology and lots more. Stay tuned!

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+1 (905) 923-4429