Get in Touch: +1 (905) 923-4429

RPN Info

What is RPN?

Retour Au Pays Natal (RPN)

Retour au pays natal (RPN) provides members with coverage for repatriation or execution of the last will of deceased members. As part of RPN, the members of our association who are enrolled with RPN benefit from this coverage. This includes residents, students, and visitors.

Members in good standing are covered. Members must always ensure their information with RPN and their financial status with the association are current. Members who do not abide by association by-laws and regulations may be deactivated from RPN.

Information about RPN can be accessed at the following link: Retour Au Pays Natal.

A few Benefits of RPN

  • Ensure a dignified and harmonious repatriation of the remains of our loved ones to our homeland.
  • Give a wider notification of death
  • Ensure a harmonious and dignified return of the remains of loved ones.

How RPN Works

RPN members are covered wherever their death occurs in the world, with the only condition that their main address is in Canada and their membership with their association or group suffers no contestation.


+1 (905) 923-4429